Academic Prep

Academic Prep (formerly Home Learning) within the academy is set with the purpose of providing students with rich learning experiences outside of the classroom environment, to develop as independent learners and to enable the embedding of knowledge and skills into long-term memory through retrieval, recall and application in different contexts.

The new and demanding GCSE specifications introduced in 2018 draw upon the recall of key subject content from memory. For example, students need to be able to recall twenty-two Physics equations alongside quotes from fifteen poems and three pieces of literature.

Each curriculum subject will issue knowledge organisers that contain the core knowledge and key terminology to be learned for each unit/topic, allowing equal access to all students. Students will be taught in lessons and tutor time sessions how to commit the information to memory through quizzing, note-taking and revision techniques. These strategies will also be shared with parents at key information evenings.

Academic Prep may include:

  1. Quizzing and revision using the Knowledge Organiser
  2. A piece of reading – either pre-reading on a topic that is going to be studied, academic reading related to the subject or reading for pleasure (Accelerated Reader book)
  3. Use of an online platform – e.g. SPARX (Maths); Seneca (Science)
  4. In Years 9, 10 and 11, a written piece or examination question

Techniques to support the retrieval of knowledge

Proven techniques to support recall of subject content have been identified and placed below. The impact of these techniques can be significantly improved through parental involvement, as it improves a student’s attitude to learning, confidence and ultimately attainment.

Please click on the link below for techniques on how to revise with our knowledge organiser.

The Dorcan Academy
St. Paul’s Drive
Covingham, Swindon
Wiltshire SN3 5DA
Switchboard: 01793 525231
Fax: 01793 431461
The Dorcan Academy is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales under company number 07831414. The registered office is St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 5DA.