Tutor Standards

1. Build positive relationships with their ‘family’ and foster strong partnerships between home and school

Tutors need to…So that….
a. Actively seek to build relationships with their tutees, getting to know them personally and taking a keen interest in their welfare.a. Tutees feel cared for and valued.
b. Make a point of following the progress and behaviour of their tutees and see it as their responsibility to do sob. Tutees are required to maintain high levels of effort and behaviour.
c. Be pro-active in contacting home promptly to discuss any arising concerns and/or to praise members of their tutor group.c. Issues are dealt with quickly and do not escalate and students feel valued and motivated.
d. Utilise the link book to write messages home and regularly ask students if there are any messages from their parents that they should be aware of.d. There is a strong dialogue between home and school and students learn to take responsibility

2. Establish routines and build a positive ethos

Tutors need to…So that….
a. Meet and greet their tutees with a handshake at the doora. Tutees feel welcome and routines are established.
b. Check the uniform of their tutees ensuring it meets the academy’s expectations.b. Tutees wear their uniform and are proud to do so.
c. Reinforce their expectations as well as the expectations of the House and Academy to ensure the tutor group are model citizens.c. Tutees model the Dorcan values in all aspects of academy life.
d. Dismiss the class in an orderly fashion with a piece of encouragement for the day or ‘Have a nice day’.d. Tutees feel valued and move around the academy in an orderly fashion.
e. Encourage leadership from their tutees e.g. students taking on roles within the tutor group and promote the leadership awards.e. Tutees are motivated to develop their leadership skills and to complete the relevant leadership awards.

3. Be fully prepared and manage tutor time procedures efficiently

Tutors need to…So that….
a. Take the register promptly ensuring there is silencea. Tutees are registered accurately and can respond appropriately to their name when called.
b. Note down important information during staff briefings and check their staff and tutor pigeonhole/email/SIMS messages and make any announcements/pass on messages to the tutor group.b. Tutees can make informed choices and participate fully in academy life.
c. Complete the equipment check in a way that is effective and efficient, maximising time for tutor activities.c. Tutees learn to be organised and are equipped for the day ahead.
d. Provide small pieces of equipment if required and keep a record of what is missing; send students missing multiple items or bigger items to the BIT office.d. Tutees are prepared to engage in learning activities without further disruption.
e. Sign their tutees’ link book one day each week.e. Tutees use and care for their link book appropriately.
f. Review the attendance trackers with their tutees, sharing the Attendance PowerPoint and House points total as a conversation starterf. Tutees attend regularly and take responsibility for resolving any issue that may affect their attendance.
g. On assembly days arrive at the location 5 minutes before the bell ready to greet their group.g. Tutees are ready for assembly in good time
h. Ensure the tutor board is updated regularly with relevant information.h. Tutees can locate key information about their tutor group and house.

4. Deliver tutor activities effectively

Tutors need to…So that….
a. Guide and support each tutee to complete the ‘Focus week’ documentation.a. Tutees set targets and take responsibility for improving their progress and attainment.
b. Deliver activities according to the scheduled tutor programme, orchestrating discussion and debate around the material and ensuring all students are involved.b. Tutees develop their oracy skills and can consider other points of view before reaching their own substantiated opinion.
c. Read to the tutor group during DEAR, stopping to extract important points and to involve students in considering and discussing aspects of the book.c. Tutees develop their understanding and knowledge of classic literature.
d. Deliver competition -based activities during Friday afternoon tutor sessions.d. Tutees develop team skills and are motivated to represent their house. 

The Dorcan Academy
St. Paul’s Drive
Covingham, Swindon
Wiltshire SN3 5DA
Switchboard: 01793 525231
Fax: 01793 431461
Email: enquiries@dorcan.co.uk
The Dorcan Academy is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales under company number 07831414. The registered office is St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 5DA.