Catch up money is used to support students who, for one reason or another, have fallen behind expectations in their primary school.
The allocation for The Dorcan Academy in 2019-2020 was £12,508
The Y7 catch-up money for 2019-2020 was allocated as follows:
For the year 2019-2020, maths was delivered in small groups before school by specialist support staff.
English was delivered in small groups by specialist support staff within lessons.
The table below shows the progress of students who were below nationally expected level at the end of Key Stage 2 in Reading on entry to Dorcan. We use 2 different Interventions for reading to maximise the chance of improved outcomes.
90% of the year 7 students, who had SkillsAcademy [National Literacy Strategy] intervention increased their reading age by the end of the intervention; with one student making 2 years, 2 months progress over the intervention period.
60% of the year 7 students, who have had Catch-Up intervention increased their reading age by the end of the intervention; with one student making 2 and a half year’s progress in reading age over the intervention period.
Overall at the start of year 7, 79% had reading ages in the broad average range. We have not been able to test at the end of the school year as we were limited by the Covid 19 regulations. Students will be assessed as soon as is possible to do so and Interventions put in place.
By the end of the Maths Catch up intervention, students who were previously below nationally expected levels at the end of Key Stage 2 on entry to Dorcan, had made excellent progress See results below:
Year 7 Catch up (NW) – 92% students made progress in Addition and met targets
Year 7 Catch up (NW) – 100% students made progress in Subtraction and met targets
Year 7 Catch up (NW) – 92% students made progress in Multiplication and met targets
These Interventions are in place for Year 7 Catch up students in 2020-2021