The Governing Body has a number of responsibilities. The Governing Body acts as a ‘critical friend’ to the school’s senior leadership team, however governors are not involved in the day-to-day operational management of the school.
Establishing strategic direction: set the vision, values and objectives for the school; agreeing the school improvement strategy/plan with priorities and targets; meeting statutory duties
Ensuring accountability: appointing the Headteacher; holding the Headteacher to account for teaching, achievement, behaviour and safety; challenging and strengthening the Headteacher’s leadership; performance managing the Headteacher; engaging with stakeholders; contributing to school self-evaluation
Ensuring financial probity: setting the budget; monitoring spending against the budget; ensuring value for money is obtained; ensuring risks to the organisation are managed
The Governing Body consists of 20 posts:
9 Community Governors: these are volunteers from the local community and are elected by the rest of the Governing Body, in line with national guidelines. They provide experience and continuity and the opportunity to ensure there is the right skill set on the Governing Body
7 Parent Governors: nominated and elected by parents/carers
3 Staff Governors: nominated and elected by staff
The Headteacher
All Governors are subject to re-election every four years (with the exception of the Headteacher). Governors attend training to equip them to fulfil their role.
If you have any queries about the Governing Body or an interest in becoming a Governor please contact us at