Literature Festival Celebration Event

We were delighted to welcome Zaneer and his family to the Celebration Event for the Swindon Youth Festival of Literature 2022 at the Pattern Church on Thursday. Zaneer was nominated by Ms Murphy and his fellow Student Librarians as The Dorcan Library Ambassador 2022 and it was very well deserved. Zaneer is currently in year 11 but he has been a Student Librarian since year 7, helping out in the library every break and lunchtime. That’s a lot of hours of volunteering his time! The award is sponsored by Bower and Bailey Solicitors and includes a book token. 

Congratulations Zaneer – here he is pictured with Mrs Bareham and Ms Murphy.


The Dorcan Academy
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Covingham, Swindon
Wiltshire SN3 5DA
Switchboard: 01793 525231
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The Dorcan Academy is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales under company number 07831414. The registered office is St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 5DA.