Moovahome and Ben Kingsley sponsor The Dorcan Academy

Local businesses support The Dorcan Academy sports teams:

Dorcan Academy former students, Ashely Kane (Moovahome) and Ben Fitzgibbon (Ben Fitzgibbon Property Sales), have joined forces with Adam Westall at Silverback, to provide the whole school with brand new sports kits. Ashley and Ben kindly donated time and funds to make this happen for our school. Both were instrumental in design, planning and organisation of the whole operation. These beautiful new sports tops will ensure we look the part whilst representing our wonderful school.

Ashley and Ben both expressed how proud they were to be back visiting the Academy. Ashley said he was delighted to be able to team up and plan and provide for his former school. Ben also took to social media to tell everyone what a good day it was.

Mr Allen, who kindly gave up his time to organise everything for the teams said “We at The Dorcan Academy would like to share our deepest gratitude for these extremely generous local businesses. We are truly thankful for everything they have done. The generosity from them is overwhelming, and their support is invaluable. This makes every opportunity to represent the school an even more fulfilling one. In some way or another, no matter how big or small you’re changing lives and making a difference. Thank you. With finances in education being so stringent we are extremely grateful to find sponsorship that benefits the lives of our young people. If there are any other generous businesses locally that would like to offer support, we would be extremely grateful to hear from you!”


The Dorcan Academy
St. Paul’s Drive
Covingham, Swindon
Wiltshire SN3 5DA
Switchboard: 01793 525231
Fax: 01793 431461
The Dorcan Academy is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales under company number 07831414. The registered office is St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 5DA.